
How do you get chaperons?

The TVBS Committee works hard at getting responsible, mature men and women to serve as chaperons/drivers. For safety and insurance purposes, drivers must be age 25 or older, with a good driving record.

What if I need to get in touch with my child?

We are counting heavily on cell phones for contact with the TVBS team. If your child will not be bringing a cell phone along, you can be sure that there will be a cell phone along with the team. Simply have your child call with the number of the cell phone(s) along for that trip.

What kind of training is supplied?

Specialized training for both flyer teams and teaching teams is provided. If a volunteer cannot attend a training session, contact the TVBS Committee for a training video. The training videos will soon be online.

What if something happens to my child?

We have taken every precaution to make sure the TVBS program is safe. Chaperons supervise the teams on the way to the location and the host congregation is responsible for taking care of them once they arrive at their destination. Flyer volunteers go out in pairs. We also request that you complete emergency medical treatment forms. These health forms are sent with the chaperon in the event of an emergency. Above all, we entrust the safety of your children and the whole program to the LORD.
